Sep 27, 2009

Stupid Wedding Shit

Yeah, so I'm sitting here googling "stupid wedding shit" while my bf plays guitar.  We went out tonight, at my insistence, and sang some horrid karaoke.  That's ok, cuz we ROCK at horrid karaoke.  So anyway, we put back a few drinks in celebration of our team's victory, and then I got bored and bugged bf about going out.  We changed shoes (cuz yeah, we are THAT classy) and we went up the street to our local karaoke shithole bar.  Except we kind of like the shithole, and they have great karaoke.

So there were were, singing, and we finally decided to retire the song we ALWAYS sing together.  Lest you think it's showtunes, I assure you, it's not.  We just retired it.  It's over.  One can only do so many renditions of "If I had $1,000,000" until it gets tired.  So it's retired.  We'll be working on a new song soon.  Stay tuned...

We cabbed it home, and now we're sitting in the living room while bf jams on his sweet Taylor that I got him for his birthday.  It is a gorgeous guitar.  Love it, and love that man.  He totally deserves a great guitar.  But now we're both hammered, and when I tried to tune my guitar, he was just obliviously playing his random made-up shit.  That's totally cool and stuff... I mean, that's what one DOES when one is hammered.  You just get lost in your music bliss and annoy the shit out of everyone else within earshot.  It's ok.  I've done it before.  It's all part of the circle of life and crap like that.  Karma is a bitch mistress.

So I'm sitting here googling "stupid wedding shit" to see if there's anything I forgot to obsess over for our upcoming wedding.  Yeah, you heard me right... the princess has found a new prince, and he's making an honest woman out of me.  Go figure.  I am so caught up in the minutiae that I brought home 3 different kinds of wedding card boxes for him to review.  Three.  Luckily we both liked the same one, so the other two are going back to the store tomorrow, but that is the low-level detail bullshit that I've been obsessing over.  Yup.  I guess I need something to do.  Tonight I worked on my I/E statements for my business, but that got old fast.  I need to shuffle through  the shoebox of receipts and put some order to the chaos.

Bright spot:  a couple of dudes at the bar tonight thought I was 26 and 30 (respectively), so hey, that's a bonus!  I guess I'm not falling apart at the seams like I thought.  I guess all that Olay is paying off.  I worship at the house of sunscreen and good moisturizer, in case you didn't know.  I don't want to look like a saddlebag with eyes when I'm 50.  Just sayin'...

So yeah, I'm about at headache level maximum with this guitar blasting in my ears.  He's RIGHT NEXT TO ME pounding the shit out of the poor strings.  I'm gonna try to entice him into the bedroom.  Wish me luck, and if anyone out there is an audiologist, please shoot me an email with your prices.  At this rate, I'm gonna need a hearing aid before I need eyeglasses.  Ciao baby!

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