Jan 11, 2009

Jesus vs. Nostradamus

Am I the only one who's thoroughly sick of this apocalyptic crap on History Channel lately? It's like a WWE match:

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

We've got a great show for you folks!

First off, we have the Wiccans vs. the Mormons. Can mother nature overcome the economic juggernaut that is the Church of LDS? Bring your pan flute and your pentagrams, and watch out for that flying Linoma. We might just see an erruption of the Yellowstone caldera if we play our cards right.

Next up, it's the Mayans vs. the Hopi in a Native American rumble. The Mayans are bloodthirsty with a great calendar, but the Hopis are bringing their katchinas and the blue star. It's bound to be a cataclysm!

Our headline round features Nostradamus vs. Jesus. Can one, ambiguous 16th century prophet take on the Big Cheese? It will be quatrains against the four horsemen. Or perhaps J.C. will call in the big guns and end it all in a firestorm of asteroids and comets? A not-to-be missed battle!

Makes me want to buy a mothballed missile silo and hunker down. Jeesh!

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